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Program Review/ Practical Living & Career Studies

 Curriculum & Instruction  Sample Evidence   Evidence Links

Demonstrator 1. Student Access

All students should have equitable access to high quality curriculum and instruction


Individual Learning Plan (ILP) student interest reports * Pacing guides/curriculum maps * Master schedule *Individualized Education Plan (IEP)/504 plans/Gifted Service Plan/ILP/Limited English Proficient(LEP) * Authentic student projects and activities from a broad representation of students in all four PL/CS disciplines *Lesson plans document differentiation for students with special needs, ELL and gifted/talented *School-Based Decision Making (SBDM) council curriculum policy, meeting agendas and minutes

 ILP student interest report for 8th grade:



Demonstrator 2. Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum

An aligned and rigorous curriculum provides access to a common academic core for all students as defined by state and national standards

Documentation of collaborative projects (e.g. lesson plans, rubrics, assessments, and culminating events) * Pacing guides/curriculum maps *Student created videos, emails, web pages, brochures, multi-media, published work, peer checklists, and public service announcements * Rubrics, skill assessments, lesson plans showing a variety of strategies for instruction and assessment *Development and implementation of an individual FITT plan * Fitness Testing (e.g. FITNESSGRAM, President’s Physical Fitness Challenge, Personal Best) *Local school wellness policy * Lesson plans document differentiation for students with special needs, ELL and gifted/talented * Individualized Education Plan (IEP)/504 plans/Gifted Service Plan/ILP/Limited English Proficient(LEP) * Documentation of Guest Speakers * Serving Learning Projects * Classroom, club/student organization, and school wide projects * Newspaper articles and other media artifacts * Family Financial Literacy activities * Record of school-based / class-based enterprises * Professional Learning Communities (PLC) meeting notes and collaborative projects * List of advanced course offerings and related student participation data * Artifacts from Family Financial Literacy activities * Recognitions of student businesses * Artifacts from school-based/class-based enterprises * Student generated financial plans* Internet-based simulations with student generated work (e.g. stock market game, AAA Math, bank simulation) * Evidence of Reality Store activities on school schedule * Written curriculum * Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (PECAT) improvement plan * Documentation of physical activity opportunity offerings * Artifacts from physical activity opportunities (e.g. pictures of parent nights, flyer for fun run) * Student exercise and activity logs (e.g. intramurals, fun runs, fitness clubs)

 Core Content 4.1

Common Core Crosswalk

Wellness Policy

Valley YSC receives grant

Power of Pink


Demonstrator 3. Instructional Strategies

All teachers should implement instructional strategies that provide quality, variety, and access for all students.

 Authentic student projects and activities from a broad representation of students in all four PL/CS disciplines * Guest speaker bios/information * Documentation of collaborative projects (e.g. lesson plans, rubrics, assessments and culminating events) * Minutes of Advisory Committee Meetings * Artifacts from classroom, student team, club, and school-wide projects * Guest speaker logs, thank you letters, photos, videos, podcasts * Artifacts of school-wide projects/themes involving a variety of school personnel and community partners * Examples of innovative use and integration of technology (lesson plans and student products) * School or teacher web pages * Student created videos, emails, web pages, brochures, multi-media, published work, peer checklists, and public service announcements * Video captured on digital tools * Artifacts of extra/co-curricular activities, publications, school web site, radio announcement, school club schedule, grade-level meeting agenda * Artifacts from school-wide programs in place to reduce conflicts and behavior issues * Presence of “take your child to work day” activities in school schedules * Systematic observation of the physical education teacher by the school administrator using the NASPE instructional strategies checklist  

Demonstrator 4. Student Performance

When all students are provided access to an aligned and rigorous curriculum, where instructional strategies are of high quality and inclusive, student performance should be at a consistently high level.


Artifacts from service learning projects * Student projects relating to consumer, health, nutrition, and environmental issues * Student generated media to inform school and community members about consumer rights, responsibilities, and issues * Number of students receiving First Aid, CPR, and babysitting certification * Number of students receiving Lifeguard, WSI, water and rescue training, CPR/First Aid certification * Student generated speeches and/or presentations for school or community groups * Industry certificates/credentials, KOSSA assessment scores * Artifacts of family/community wellness event organized and led by students * Artifacts of program activities that promote student leadership and the importance of being a leader * Newspaper articles and other media information about leadership and student organization activities * Student Career Studies Projects * Artifacts from field trips (traditional and/or virtual) * Work-based learning logs and student evaluations * Documented utilized Career Pathways using state templates (high school) * Reports from Individual Learning Plans tool * Course offering guide that reflects career majors and sequence of courses for students at the secondary and postsecondary level * Documentation from postsecondary partners showing college credit for courses taken in high school * High school course offerings catalog including examples of career major * Student assessments of physical education knowledge and skills, i.e. motor skills, physical fitness.

 CPR Training

PRIDE Volunteers

Extra/Co-Curricular Activities

Testing Report Archives




Demonstrator 1. Variety of Assessment

Teachers should use a variety of assessments to formatively and summatively monitor student progress toward standards


Individual Learning Plan usage tools * Parent signature verification on annual review of Individual Learning Plans * Advising program curriculum * Pacing guides/curriculum maps * Lesson plans * Authentic assessment tools * Formal plan outlining how ILPs are implemented


Demonstrator 2. Expectations for Student Learning

Teachers should have common and high standards for student learning in the content area

Authentic assessment tools * Student exercise and activity logs (e.g. intramurals, fun runs, fitness clubs) * Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) * School Health Index (SHI) modules or Healthy Schools Framework documents* Number of students who participate in health related programs and organizations * Artifacts from use of national assessment tools (e.g. CDC, NASPE, PECAT) * Fitness Testing (e.g. FITNESSGRAM, President’s Physical Fitness Challenge, Personal Best) * Student exercise and activity logs (e.g. intramurals, fun runs, fitness clubs) * Scoring guides and rubrics * Documentation of student performance feedback * Alignment of National Standards for Family & Consumer Sciences *Alignment of Jump$tart National Standards for K-12 Personal Finance Education


Demonstrator 3. Response to Assessment

Multiple formative and summative assessments are used to inform, guide, develop and revise instructional strategies and curriculum to enhance student learning and achievement

 Meeting minutes * Professional Learning Communities (PLC) documentation * Master schedule * Minutes of program area meetings showing analysis of data * SBDM policies and minutes * Observational data * Artifacts from cross-curricular planning * School data analyzed inPLC (e.g. dropout, transition data, Career & Technical Education Completer Data)  



Demonstrator 1. Planning

Professional development opportunities are planned with teacher learning needs in mind, and in response to data available about teacher practice and student learning
 Evaluation forms * Professional development plan for all teachers * Professional development agendas and sign-in sheets for PL/CS teachers * Master schedule * Minutes and membership list of professional learning communities * List of professional development opportunities/participation related to 21st Century Skills (e.g. technology, health literacy, problem solving) * Approved travel budgets for staff to attend professional conference or workshops * Individual Teacher Professional Growth Plans  

Demonstrator 2. Participation

Teachers participate in program-specific professional development designed to meet their needs. PL/CS teachers participate in professional development focused on 21st Century Skills


Minutes of Advisory Committee Meetings * Training agenda sign-in sheets for parents on use of ILP * Reports from ILP tool * ILP usage logs * Master schedule * Documentation of intentional collaboration (e.g. collaboration plan with external partners, agendas, minutes, sign-in sheets) * List of professional development * Opportunities/participation related to 21st Century Skills (e.g. technology, health literacy, problem solving) * Approved travel budgets for staff to attend professional conference or workshops * Minutes and membership list of professional learning communities * Course offering guide that reflects career majors and sequence of courses for students at the secondary and postsecondary level * Documentation from postsecondary partners showing college credit for courses taken in high school * Artifacts from Response to Intervention training * Documentation of industry and community partnerships * Artifacts of mentoring or peer coaching program for staff * Documentation of staff exchange program (i.e. internship in program area)


Demonstrator 3. Teacher Leadership

Teachers are leaders in their professional community, and guide/lead professional development that meets the needs of the professional learning community

 PD log/sign-in * Documentation of teacher-led professional development experiences * Certificate of participation * PD agenda  



Demonstrator 1. Shared Vision

School councils and administrators have developed a shared vision for insuring quality PL/CS instructional programs
 School Vision/Mission Statement * SBDM policies and minutes * Artifacts of projects and activities * Meeting minutes Valley Elementary School Powerpoint

Demonstrator 2. Time and Resources

School leadership will provide adequate resources, facilities, space and instructional time to support high quality PL/CS programs


Safety logs * SBDM policies and minutes * Artifacts of use of technology * Master schedule * Class attendance rosters


Demonstrator 3. Policies and Monitoring

The SBDM Council and school leadership shall establish and monitor implementation of policies concerning a school’s PL/CS program

 Master schedule * ILP reports * Minutes from Advisory Committee Meetings * SBDM minutes * Career pathways/course offering forms * Wellness policy * Documentation of BMI data * Student, Parent, and Staff surveys  

Demonstrator 4. Principal Leadership

Principals are the primary leaders of all program efforts, and support teacher leadership through shared and distributed leadership strategies and actions


Professional development action plan * Observational data * Student, Parent, and Staff surveys * Meeting minutes * Approved travel budgets for staff to attend professional conferences or workshops * Master schedule * Minutes and membership list of professional learning communities * Minutes of Advisory Committee Meetings