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Program Review/ Arts and Humanities

Curriculum & Instruction   Sample Evidence  Evidence Links
 Demonstrator 1:  All students should have equitable access to high quality curriculum and instruction.   

Individual evaluation plan (IEP)/504 plans/Gifted Service Plan/Individual Learning Plan(ILP)/Limited English Proficient(LEP)*SBDM curriculum policy, meeting agendas and minutes*Authentic student products and performances from broad representation of students in all four arts disciplines, reflecting learning of standards* Skills and standards documents*Professional resource materials*Digital, video, audio and/or photographic documentation of opportunities provided for all students to create, perform, and respond in all four arts disciplines and of formal and informal performances, critiques, analysis, etc.*Documentation of participation in state and/or national-sanctioned arts events (e.g., KMEA, KyAEA, KTA, KACDA, KAHPERD, VSA Kentucky, etc.) and other regional, district and local arts events*Curriculum committee agendas, meeting schedules, minutes, etc.*Documentation of artist residencies, guest artists or performing groups

 Music Lesson Plan

PLC Agenda by grade

PLC Groups

Policy Manual

Vetern's Day

Vetern's Day continued

 Demonstrator 2:  An aligned and rigorous curriculum provides access to a common academic core for all students as defined by state and national standards.   

Arts specific checklist for walkthrough observations*Records of extended services provided to individual students as the result of special needs or giftedness*Digital, audio, photographic and video evidence of student performances and exhibits, etc.*Professional resource materials available to all faculty*(M,H) Specialization in one or more art forms as indicated in student ILPs*(H) SBDM policy for arts specialization*(H) Listing of arts courses, including History and Appreciation of Visual and Performing Arts for minimum graduation requirements*Field trips, artist residencies, etc.

 Colonial Days lesson plan

National Music Standards

Teacher Walkthrough Observation

Core Content 4.1

Common Core Crosswalk

 Demonstrator 3:  All teachers should implement instructional strategies that provide quality, variety, and access for all students.  Teacher documentation of modifications of activities/lessons for special needs students*Electronic/physical files of exemplary arts models*Lesson plans show instruction in peer review*Assessment models show use of peer review*Audio/video recordings of student performances and products*Lesson plans and student exemplary products and performances show sound theory, skills, and techniques at a variety of levels from recall/knowledge to evaluative/creative.  
Demonstrator 4:  When all students are provided access to an aligned and rigorous curriculum, where instructional strategies are of high quality and inclusive, student performance should be at a consistently high level.   

Electronic or physical student portfolio*Audio/video recordings of student performances and products*Student journals/writing samples/artist statements showing reflections and responses to their works and works of others*Student work samples show independent answers to assignments*Student works samples show self-guided exploration*Artifacts from juried student exhibitions and performances

Testing Report Archives
Formative & Summative Assessment    
Demonstrator 1:  Teachers should use a variety of assessments to formatively and summatively monitor student progress toward standards.   

Nationally-normed, professionally prepared, state or teacher-prepared end-of-course exams, portfolio reviews, solo or group performances, critiques, etc.*Formally adjudicated performance events and art exhibits, evaluation sheets, audio, video*Student created products and performances with rubrics or assessments*Art exhibits or performance events on the school, community, state and/or national level with documented, standards-based feedback*Assessment models show use of peer review

Demonstrator 2:  Teachers should have common and high standards for student learning in Arts & Humanities.   

Assessment tasks with rubrics and student products*Written (paper and pencil tests)*State arts education associations’ performance events rubrics*Student self-assessment tasks*Lesson plans showing samples of inclusion of exemplary models, documentation of guest artists/ performances, residencies, field trips

Demonstrator 3:  Multiple formative and summative assessments are used to inform, guide, develop and revise instructional strategies and curriculum to enhance student learning and achievement.   

Samples of assessment tasks with rubrics and student products*Written, video or audio student reflections on their work or artistic process (artist’s statements)*Adjudicated performance or product evaluation forms for specific performance/pro-duct*Student performance level descriptions, examples of written (pencil/paper) responses to artistic stimuli (e.g., music listening, image of artwork, excerpts of drama or dance performances)*Art exhibits or performance events with documented

Professional Development & Support Services    
Demonstrator 1: Professional development opportunities are planned with teacher learning needs in mind, and in response to data available about teacher practice and student learning.   

Description of professional development provided by the school and district attended by arts content teachers and other classroom teachers (grade level appropriate)*Needs assessment data*Individual professional growth plans*School council policies regarding professional development are inclusive of arts education


Demonstrator 2:  Teachers participate in program-specific professional development designed to meet their needs. All teachers participate in professional development focused on 21st century skills.

 Individual professional growth plans*Teacher reflections/reports from PD*School professional development plan  
Demonstrator 3:  Teachers are leaders in their professional community, and guide/lead professional development that meets the needs of the professional learning community.  

Professional development presentations*Professional learning community minutes*Individual professional growth plans*Professional growth records

 Administrative/Leadership Support and Monitoring    
 Demonstrator 1: Leadership has developed and sustained a shared vision of a quality arts education.   

Displays of vision, mission, and belief statements that include the arts*Achievement in the arts program is reported in the school report card*Comprehensive School Improvement Plan includes the arts*Student course selection materials, career pathways, and ILPs include the arts.

Valley Elementary School Powerpoint
 Demonstrator 2: The SBDM utlizes the findings of the program review to plan for and adjust staffing, course offerings, and scheduling of the arts within the school.   

School council staffing policy*Local Educator Assignment Data (LEAD) data forms of arts teachers*Arts teacher certification documentation*Committee meeting agenda/minutes*Student performance data in the arts*Documentation that teachers of the arts have extensive knowledge, training and arts experiences (i.e., KET/KDE Arts Toolkits).

Demonstrator 3: School leadership and staff make efficient use of instructional time to maximize student learning in the arts.   

Master schedule with class load breakdown*Schedule of special events*Arts-focused field trip records*Curriculum maps from other academic areas showing integration and/or connection to the arts*Arts faculty, school council/local school board policies meeting agendas and minutes*School improvement plan*Data analysis.






Demonstrator 4:  The school provides and maintain students appropriate facilities and utlizes all available resources to support high student and staff performance in the arts.  

Map of school*School budget (5 year history)*Schedules of events*Resource and equipment inventory*Schedule of collaborative opportunities for teachers*Records of parental involvement in supporting arts programs*Records of arts training programs in which the principal participated.